Hear about the course

What's in the kete? (basket)

From partnership to auditing the impact you make, together we'll work through the process from start to finish to help you amplify the impact you have for the people you're here to serve and support. Whether that's tāngata whenua (people of the land) or another group with system structures stacked against them, this 4-8-week course is focused on real-world techniques and tools to make system-level impact.

  • Mātauranga Māori (indigenous wisdom) based approach to addressing systemic barriers.

  • Lifetime access to the coolest little community online to share reflections, resources and questions with the facilitator and other change-makers

  • Gain knowledge from a seasoned leader in industry, community and iwi, who has spearheaded successful systemic changes, focusing on enhanced equity, participation and leadership.

  • Hands-on exercises and activities to implement impactful change at the system level.

  • Self-paced, completely online (with options for face to face sessions later). Complete the exercises in your own time, from wherever you like.

  • 50% of proceeds go to non-profit community, wellbeing, leadership and development initiatives

Don't have time or money for that? Try the two-coffee-kōrero version.

Cover the most important stuff in the time you'd spend on two coffee catch-ups.

  • Free

    FreeMake system change today, mō te āpōpō (for tomorrow) 2-coffee-kōrero

    If I had time to catch up for coffee with everyone who would like to hear this kōrero, this is what I'd share.
    Enrol - koha based

Marau mātauranga


    1. Nau mai haere mai! Welcome!

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Watch pt. 1 : An organisation like yours

    2. Watch pt. 2 : Knowing who you're here to support & serve

    3. Reflection time

    4. Watch pt. 3 : Ngā taura a Māui - a framework for system-level change

    5. Watch pt. 4 : Fight the System, stop scrapping the symptoms

    6. Reflection time

    1. Guided visualisation

    2. Exercise: Clarifying who you're here for and how you can support and serve them

    1. Watch: Partnering Well pt1.

    2. Watch: Partnering well Pt2.

    3. Exercise: Partnering well

    4. Sharing space

    1. Watch: Understanding needs and aspirations

    2. Exercise: Understanding needs and aspirations

    1. Watch: Weaving together to make change last longer

    2. Exercise: Weaving together to make change last longer

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 5 - 8 weeks of self-paced exercises to help you better serve and support the communities and people you're here for.

Make systemic change for the communities and people you're here to support.